The Study Smarter Method for the RD exam is the flagship study tool of Veritense, and the first of many study aids to come. Learn how past RD students have used the method to study for and pass their RD exam, a national standardized credentialing test.
Preparing for the Registered Dietitian exam can be...
Read testimonials from previous Study Smarter Method students. They represent the diversity of RD students and may have a story similar to your own. |
Looking for 1-on-1 help with the Study Smarter Method? Not sure how to get started? Reach out and schedule a consult with Bailey.
The Study Smarter Method is the power behind Pass the Exam Prep, All Access Dietetics' complete RD exam study solution. Currently 9 dietetic internships across the country provide Pass the Exam Prep and the Study Smarter Method to all of their interns. If the individual testimonials below don't convince you, let these internships speak for themselves!
ShawnaI wasn't sure about the Study Smarter Method for the RD exam at first because it wasn't a full-fledged study guide with all the material covered. But I'm super glad I bought it, because it taught me that I don't need one of those study guides! I realized I probably didn't pass the exam the first time because I relied too much on the study guides I had gotten from a friend. There was so much stuff on the test that I hadn't even heard of. The Study Smarter Method helped me learn about learning, and made my study sessions more focused, even after a tough day at work. If I ever go back for my masters degree, I know I'll definitely use this Study Smarter Method. I've already applied to some big projects I've had at work when I need to absorb lots of information. If you're on the fence, definitely buy it! JillI contacted Bailey after my first RD exam attempt was unsuccessful. Her Study Smarter Method helped me to determine my weaknesses and then focus on attacking those areas. This new method instilled confidence and taught me a new way of studying. I was able to focus on this new study method that brought me larger rewards in retaining information. When I got to the test day, I used the Study Smarter Methods I had learned - I read each question, scribbled on the note page, eliminated wrong answers and reasoned through why I was choosing the right answer. When I came to a hard question, I took my time, read the question, determined what I needed to find and then was able to pull from my memory bank and pull out the right info! It is truly amazing how her method focus of retrieval information. At first the process may be scary and you may not trust it...but trust it - it works!!! Use her method, save yourself some time!! In 5 weeks I became a RD and I attribute it 100% due to Bailey's method and learning how to study smarter!! FRANCESCAI reached out to Bailey after a good friend of mine starting using her tutoring services. I had taken the exam twice and was again lost at what to do and where to turn to next. I was working a full time job along with studying and just trying to do it all. Once I started with the Bailey's Study Smarter Method, I began to slowly believe in the process. It took time and patience but I continued to trust her study method and the process. I don't think I would have been able to pass without her study method. I would recommend it to any future RDN! KatieI had taken the RD exam a few times and regardless of study technique I used on my own, the result was always the same: Fail. I found I did great on practice exams yet come exam day, no luck. After studying for several months and receiving the same result, I finally decided on a tutor. Bailey’s services stood out because they discussed not only the exam but also the exam format. Her blog services were helpful so I assumed her specific Study Smarter Method would be even better. Her expertise in this area is extensive ranging from a deep understanding of the material to tutorials for better understanding the exam format and it all shows in the Study Smarter Method. It helps you figure out where to improve and outline a plan to address them. It was exactly what I needed and exactly what allowed me to create a successful study plan and ultimately ace the exam. The method emphasized a manageable study schedule with a focus on the topic and trouble areas to my specific needs - it made studying easy, approachable, and progressive. I studied less and learned more in the 4 months of studying with the Study Smarter Method than any other preparation for the exam. By the time the day came, I felt confident and optimistic, and most importantly, knowledgeable about the material and exam format. This combination resulted in a 5 point increase from any of my previous attempts and successful pass to officially gain my credentials. I am 100% certain that the Study Smarter Method had a direct impact on this growth. I would recommend it to absolutely everyone, especially for any of those in my boat who no matter how much they studied, did not have the result to show for it. If I had done this from the beginning, perhaps I wouldn’t have taken the exam multiple times. Most importantly, I took away valuable study techniques and approaches with wide application. It was an investment I would never hesitate make in the future. |
DANIELLEI reached out to Bailey after 4 times of trying to pass the RD exam. I felt anxious and upset that it had become a huge struggle for me to pass this exam. I had been cramming and filling many hours of the day trying to keep all the information in my head, but something was not working for me. The Study Smarter Method starts with mapping out a plan and coming up with strategies to change with studying habits. These small changes and scheduling out my study time made a HUGE difference. The stress levels went down, I was starting to retain more, and begin to build confidence. I took the exam this past week and I passed! I know that the Study Smarter Method was a major part of helping me to finally pass this test. I will definitely be recommending the Study Smarter Method to others in the future! KEISHAI took the RD exam 4 times, failed all 4 times. 2 years after the internship and working at a job I didn’t love I was frustrated, tired and angry. I felt hopeless at this point. I had numerous tutors. But something still told me not to give up after graduate school and moving across the country for an internship. After researching on google numerous times “ How to pass the RD exam”, “failing the RD exam”, “Help with RD exam”, I came across Baileys page. I read the testimonials and automatically I said “hey this can’t hurt me let me give her shot” I felt that nothing could hurt me at this point as I had at least 4 different study materials all of which did not give me that passing score. The huge difference between Bailey and other tutors I had was that her method really taught me to study SMARTER. Her key of understanding the why of each question and her deep intelligence of the topics not only helped me tackle the questions on the exam, Bailey also gave me confidence that I could do it! After a month of using the Study Smarter Method. I went into the exam with a sense of ease. I wasn’t nervous because I felt fully prepared. Bailey's Study Smarter Method is one of the best investments I made. I would recommend it to anyone needing assistance to pass! CONNERMy previous study method was going through Jean Inman’s review and taking all of the practice questions. This got overwhelming due to the mass amounts of information presented. I felt like Jean Inman’s review was all inclusive, which is not the case. After failing the exam I felt lost and did not know how else to possibly study for this. I have never been strong at studying. My situation had the additional stress of needing to have my exam passed by August 30th for my job and I took/passed the exam August 29th. The Study Smarter Method helps you think in a critical way and learn how to analyze each question. On top of this you will feel more confident taking your best guess on the inevitable questions you are not familiar with. If you are like me and do not have good studying habits, failed your exam, or just want to get a plan of action set up from the get go, I strongly recommend using her method. She is extremely knowledgeable on what to expect on the exam. Her study method helps pace your studying at a much better rate, and keeps you from feeling overwhelmed. AMANDAAt the end of my internship, I thought my program would provide information on the exam, what to expect, etc. All we got were old copies of the Jean Inman review, and they walked us through applying for our eligibility documents. I came across Bailey's website via Pinterest when I was searching for RD exam study organization, and when I saw her blog posts on the exam format and that she had a specific study "method" for the test, I wanted to give it a try. I think what was most helpful was having an idea of a study plan moving forward, instead of just trying to wing it on my own because none of the other interns were studying or sharing information together. 5 out of 5 stars! ForsythAfter I failed the RD exam for the 4th time, I found Bailey's website. So many of the stuff for the RD exam is expensive - software, practice tests, information - but the money I spent on the Study Smarter Method was the best money spent. The resource packet has insights to studying for the exam (and study strategies in general) that never occurred to me. I wish I had found it sooner! Making the study plan made me feel more focused when I did study, and I didn't worry about "Am I studying enough? Should I do another hour?". I would recommend the Study Smarter Method to anyone studying for the RD exam! |